April, 2005 Pendrawing Another old concept character is Anna. She will most likely still make it into the comic, but probably not no longer as her kick-ass adult self. The reason why I decided to show this anyway, is because I used to be very proud of this drawing back in 2005. Getting the human anatomy (sort of) right, and drawing in all the details had taken me forever. Anyway, perhaps I should explain a little bit about this character. Anna is a young girl from the same village as Thomas, and she's one of his few friends. As a kid she was very shy. I honestly can't remember why this changed when she became an adult. Her sword-wielding adult self seems a little bit over the top now. Heh. Boy I need to do some serious work on this comic... |
Copyright © 2006-2012 Blue Uncia - Charlotte. I do NOT own the rights to Pokémon or any other
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