Received: January 9th, 2008 Made by: igsey I received this feedback on the Cyndaquil tutorial from isgey: Hey there! I did a Cyndaquil drawing using your tutorial, and wanted to show it to you. I know it's bad, but my drawing is usually alot worse, so that's how much your tutorials help. Attached is the original one, and a photocopy that I've coloured (badly). I tried using wax crayons at first, but they are rubbish. So I went for graphite pencil instead. From this I have learnt at least one thing: I need some decent colouring pencils. At current I have an assortment of random ones: 2 blues, a green, a yellow, an orange and a white. and they are all about an inch long. Thanks, igsey Oh, I know all about wax crayons and how badly they can mess up a perfectly good picture. You just can't draw details with those things, and when you're done, your hands are usually a mess. Still, I think you did a good job, especially since this was your first attempt. And I forgot to mention this in the tutorials, but if you aren't working on a computer, making photocopies of your work really is a good idea. That way, you can mess around with the copies and prevent ruining the original drawing. | |
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