Title: Here's the new page
Date: May 26th, 2012
Today's comic page: 326
Hello everyone. The new page is up. And just as a reminder for those of you who had the forums bookmarked (even though
they're kind of dead): the url has changed. If you want to update your bookmarks, the correct links have been added to
the menu of this site.
I hope you all have a great weekend. :)
- Neko
Title: Got mah intarwebz, yo!1
Date: May 19th, 2012
Today's comic page: 325
Well, guys. It looks like our internet issues have been resolved for now. As it turns out, the modem was busted, but
we managed to get our hands on a spare. It's happily doing its thing now, so that means we'll have a SoL update after
all. Meanwhile, I might as well give a status update too.
- Still busting myself over my work and my soon-to-be dissertation. Fun times.
- I've scripted out the next chapter of SoL, which should start soon.
- I'm working on one of the last of the contest prizes. It's a big one, and I seem to be rather art-blocked, so it's
taking me a while. Sorry about that!
At any rate, I hope you guys all have a great weekend, and I hope the weather is treating you better than it is
treating us. Cheers!
- Neko
Title: New comic is up
Date: May 12th, 2012
Today's comic page: 324
Hello everyone. The new page is up. I hope you all have a nice weekend!
- Neko
Title: Update time
Date: May 5th, 2012
Today's comic page: 323
Here's today's page again. Hope you like a little bit of exposition. :)
- Neko
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