Title: This is an interesting and witty headline Date: February 25th, 2012 Today's comic page: 313
Today's comic is up again. I hope you all have a nice weekend.
- Neko
Title: Update time again Date: February 18th, 2012 Today's comic page: 312
Enjoy the new comic, guys. (And seriously, the Sentret was just out of breath from sprinting. Not THAT kind of comic,
people! You ought to know that by now.) ;P
- Neko
Title: New comic is up Date: February 11th, 2012 Today's comic page: 311
The new comic page is up. Enjoy, and have a nice weekend. :)
- Neko
Title: Meet ACTA, because we obviously needed an EU version of SOPA Date: February 4th, 2012 Today's comic page: 310
Hi again. It's that time of the week, so here's a new comic.
And sadly there's also some more news on the "Save the Internet" front. Most of you probably know that SOPA and PIPA are two
American bills designed to restrict Internet Freedom under the guise of an anti-piracy act. Fortunately those bills
received a lot of criticism from the public, so SOPA and PIPA are losing ever more support.
(By the way, to all you Americans out there: remember that congress is scheduled to re-evaluate SOPA and PIPA this February,
so please stay on top of that. You guys did great so far.)
Non-Americans were feeling a bit helpless in all of this, but here is some "good" news for you. We now have an
international version of SOPA and PIPA, so there's no need to feel left out anymore! /sarcasm
Meet ACTA.
Nice, huh? Fortunately support for this beast is also starting to waver. You can all help by finding online petitions
and signing those. You can find a big one right
here. Or if you prefer, contact your representatives directly and let them knows what you think about all of this.
The good news is that several European countries are not sure they want to be in on this bill. Make sure the
others follow their lead. Without the EU, ACTA is dead in the water.
In other news: we had our first semi-serious snow storm of the season here in Holland. And true to form, our railway
system shut down spectacularly as soon as the first snowflakes hit the ground. It's not something we're not used to,
despite the company's repeated promises to fix our railway's "winter issues". In many ways this has become an annual
tradition. Promise to fix something, don't fix it, watch it crash, rinse & repeat. Glad I wasn't out yesterday. ^^