Title: Bringing back the art
Date: March 26th 2011
Today's comic page: 265
Hi guys! Today I have a SoL page and some art to share. I am quite pleased with myself. I hope you are all
having a good weekend. ;)
- Neko

Title: A little late
Date: March 19th 2011
Today's comic page: 264
Hello everyone. I'm a little late to update the comic today. I apologize for that. I'm also currently working on
one of the bigger art prizes, so I haven't had time to upload anything new to the galleries. However, if you like
the fifth generation of Pokémon, and if you have a DeviantART account, you might like to check out my
journal there. I'm taking suggestions
for sketches of the new Pokémon, so feel free to drop one for me if you're interested.
- Neko

Title: .....
Date: March 12th 2011
Today's comic page: 263
I don't usually discuss real-world events (or politics or religion) on this website, but today calls for an exception.
Yesterday news came in about the big 8.9 earthquake that hit northern Japan. The resulting tsunami and the aftershocks
turned the country on its head. And of course you probably already head about the explosion in the Fukushima I Nuclear
Power Plant.
I just heard over the news that the reactor's inner core probably isn't damaged. That's good news, but it's still
quite frightening to the people living near the power plant, I imagine. I wish all of you in Japan, who have been
affected by this quake, all the best. May you and your loved ones stay safe.
- Neko

Title: Time still flies
Date: March 5th 2011
Today's comic page: 262
It's March already! Time just keeps on flying, doesn't it? Yesterday marked the release of Black and White. I don't
think I'm going to get my version right away, but maybe within the next month. I also haven't decided on which
version I want. It's the first time I've found myself liking both the legendaries depicted on the covers, so I can't
really decide. I might get Black (first) though, because my brother really digs Zekrom and wants White.
Also, Europeans: don't forget, you will be able to get yourself a ticket through the Mystery Gift on Wi-Fi to get
Victini. Get yours before April 22nd!
And now for today's update: I have a SoL page for you guys, as well as some art and some guest art. I hope you'll
enjoy it, and have a nice weekend!
- Neko
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