Title: Back at it again
Date: August 21st 2010
Today's comic page: 234
Everything is back to normal again, it seems. I just had my first week back at work, several of you
are probably going back to school soon, I'm working on SoL again, and Matt's being Matt. All is well
in the universe.
That said, the big summer contest is still active. If you want
to enter, you have well until September to do so. I'd reccommend it too, because at this point I don't
have a lot of entries yet. /shameless promotion
And now for some random doodles. Enjoy the weekend, guys!
- Neko
Title: And that's that...
Date: August 14th 2010
Today's comic page: 233
Today I have the final chapter of my BT entries for you guys. It's been a long OCT (almost a year), and it feels
a little strange that it's over now. Still, it feels good too. I completed it, and I'm quite happy about that.
And it's been fun too. Expect to see a few more BT side projects pop up over the weeks, such as the Round 1 cover
I made.
Other than that I'll be rebuilding my SoL buffer, because it is totally depleted now. I also still owe some people
prizes, and in September I promised my sister I'd finally install and play WoW. And maybe I'll buy SoulSilver
too. Yep, it's all going to be great.
And for those of you who are waiting for Moche's adventures to continue: don't worry, I'll get around to that
eventually too. Have a great weekend, and don't forget about the summer contest! The deadline is in September.
- Neko
Title: ...
Date: August 7th 2010
Today's comic page: 232
Another weekend = another SoL page. I also have a quick sketch, and that's about it. I should have my
final BT round done by the end of next week, which frankly has me quite psyched. Have a nice weekend!
- Neko
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