Title: The end of June already?
Date: June 26th 2010
Today's comic page: 226
Time just seems to fly faster and faster. Two more weeks before I go to a congress on Medieval Studies
in England. I don't like aeroplanes, so... jippy. And I'm also giving a lecture there, so it's work,
work, work!!
Ah well, enjoy today's SoL page!
- Neko
Title: Just something I want to get off my chest...
Date: June 19th 2010
Today's comic page: 225
There's something I've been wanting to get off my chest without addressing anyone in particular.
Lately I've been getting more and more questions about why SoL is back on weekly updates and why
it isn't colored. While I appreciate the concern, it's getting a bit tiresome. Anyone who has been
paying just a tiny bit of attention knows that I've been busy producing comics since September. I've
been cranking them out at high speed. They just weren't always SoL comics, they're OCT entries.
Entering three OCTs all at once was my own mistake, I know. So that one's on me. But please remember
that I'm working my butt off to make sure that there is at least one new SoL page every week too. So please
stop asking me to "please update SoL more often". Again, I appreciate that you're enjoying the
comic so much, but lurk more. Figure out what's going on before you ask these questions. Or go read my
OCT entries of you're bored.
Besides, better times are coming. All three OCTs should be over by September (depending on if I can
keep making the deadlines). After that I'll be able to focus on SoL again, and I DO intend to bring back
the multiple-page updates.
There, that's of my chest now. Just to be clear, only a few individuals have been asking me about these
SoL updates; most of you have been wonderful and considerate. Thanks for bearing with me. Now on a related
note, have another OCT entry:
And don't forget about the summer contest! Have a nice weekend.
- Neko
Title: It's another one of those quiet weeks...
Date: June 12th 2010
Today's comic page: 224
Well, art-wise anyway. I'm going through my PCBC OS round 2 pages as quickly as I can,
so that I can start pumping out BT pages after that. That's pretty much what I do in
my spare time at the moment. And it's busy at work too.
How's life for you guys?
- Neko
Title: Pooped...
Date: June 5th 2010
Today's comic page: 223
Here's today's SoL page again! And for those of you who don't follow me on DeviantArt,
here is my first round for the PokeVenture OCT as well:
I hope you'll enjoy it! Please excuse the background. I'm in the middle of revamping the gallery
section and I haven't worked out the kinks yet. And to all my fellow Dutchies out there: Summer
finally arrived! Yeah! Check out that sunshine, huh? :D
- Neko
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