Title: Oh happy day
Date: June 20th 2009
Today's comic pages: 161-162
So last week I was a bit in a bind, because after almost three years of loyal (not to mention
almost daily) service, the nib on the pen of my wacom had worn down to a stub. It was
reaching that critical point when, if you continue using it, you run the risk of it becoming
so short that you won't be able to pull it out of the pen any more. It was about time for
a replacement nib. So I spent hours trying to find a shop with the right product, ended up
ordering from Wacom's own website, spent some more time cussing because I didn't have a credit
card, borrowed my mom's card (I'll pay you back mom), cussed some more at the ridiculous price.
10 euros for 5 nibs! They're tiny pieces of plastic, maybe an inch long each! And they added
a further 6 euros as delivery fee to that.
Bleh, but I needed my nibs and I needed them badly. Until now I didn't realize how dependent
I've become on this tablet of mine. I'm still using the one I got for my birthday in 2006. It's
a really nice piece of kit. So I have my new nibs now, one of which is sitting nice and pretty
in my pen, and I'm all good again. Funny how such things can make you really, really happy.
- Neko
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