Title: Oh well, because you asked for it
Author: Neko
Date: April 26th 2008
I'm not really sure why, but I've done what you guys seemed to want me to do. I've got a
forum now! I probably
should mention that I'm not all that big on forums myself; I hardly join any. Right now I'm
a member of 2 forums (well, ok now it's 3) and I only post regularly on one of them.
But feel free to join Blue Uncia's forum if you like. Right now it looks a little dull,
but I intend to spiff up the skins a little when I have some more time. If anyone has any ideas
for additional boards the forum should have, please let me know.
I've also added three new pictures to my galleries. I'm entering contests left and right, though
I probably should stop doing that and start working on something else... Like... the tutorials
for instance...
Finally, keep in mind that this week will be your last chance to take the
popularity poll. After that, it's all over! :)

Title: New page
Author: Neko
Date: April 19th 2008
Here's the new comic page. I don't have anything else for you today, so that's all folks.
Remember to take the popularity poll, if you haven't done
so already. It will stay up until May 3rd. I will make a picture showing the poll results
in the week after that, so maybe that will motivate ya. ;)

Title: Fan art!
Author: Neko
Date: April 12th 2008
Here is today's page. I also received two new fan art pictures this week. Here they are:
I've also added a new picture to the SoL gallery, which shows two new characters. These two
haven't appeared in the comic yet, but you probably already knew they would be in it:
Aiko and Sub's Vulpix!
UPDATE: (still Saturday)
I finally grew tired of the fact that my site didn't show properly in Firefox. You may remember
my rant from July 28th, 2007. That's when I discovered
that my site only ran properly on Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Firefox, Opera and who knows
what else did not show Blue Uncia the way they were supposed to. I guess that was my own fault;
as a newbie website builder I didn't realize I should check my site on different browsers (and
on different screen resolutions for that matter) before uploading it.
The menu especially was completely messed up. When I revamped my site in September, I said I would
fix the menu as soon as I could. It was 'next on my to-do-list'. Yeah... Right...
A lot of stuff came up and everything got put on hold. But today I finally decided to sit down
and fix the problem. It only took the complete reorganization of the source code of the menu.
Ahem. While I was at it, I noticed how incredibly crappy my source code really is. It's a messy
tangle of span classes and tables within tables within tables. I've already said this about
a milion times, but... I really need to redesign Blue-Uncia.nl one day... :P

Title: Yup! An early update!
Author: Neko
Date: April 4th 2008
Ok, so it's still Friday on my side of the world, but since I don't know how busy
I'll be tomorrow, I've decided to update now. There's a new comic (with a little quiz) and
there are two new gallery entries. Enjoy!
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