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Look! It's Sub! And he's on the same page as Matt and Sandy! Not just on a fancy chapter page, but on a real comic page! This is IT, people! All three mains have finally caught up with each other. Now they're going to have crazy-awesome adventures together!!

Okay, well, maybe not right away...

Copyright © 2006-2012 Blue Uncia - Charlotte. I do NOT own the rights to Pokémon or any other trademark. I DO own the copyrights to all my drawings, paintings and other creative products, including the storyline and the characters of my webcomic, Stuff of Legend. Please, do not copy any of this site's content without my explicit written permission and please do not hotlink.
Art found in the 'Guest art' section belongs to their individual creators, and was posted on this website with their permission. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.